Icono ayuda Help

Frequently asked questions

Solve all your doubts and if you still have any questions about our agency programme write to us atagencies@civitatis.com

  • Can I sell your products to my clients if I am a travel agency?

    Yes, travel agencies can request registration in our agency portal. Once the travel agency information has been confirmed and validated, your account will be activated so you can look at the discount you have on our products.

  • What do I need to register?

    Fill out the registration form on our agencies platform, with all your company’s financial details, along with the licence code that certifies you as a travel agency. In the case of travel agencies based outside of Europe, you should attach your official local document and your relevant travel agency code.

    Registration should always be made with an agency email, we don’t accept personal emails.

  • What is my agency commission?

    Agency commission is 10% on the public Civitatis.com sale price

    The discount is applied as payment of the reservation is made. And we’ll generate an auto-invoice for the commission to be downloaded. It’s easy to work with us!

    Agency discount is not available for special quotes or private services that are not on sale at Civitatis.com. Nor is it applied to free tours, as they cost nothing.


  • Can we create packets containing your products, transport, and accommodation?

    Yes. We don’t put any restrictions on your sale format.

  • Can we block out places, or make pre-reservations?

    We don’t offer pre reservations or blocking. All services should be paid for as the reservation is made.

  • What payment methods are accepted?

    All our activities have instant confirmation and are paid upon reservation via credit card, debit card, or Paypal. You can pay in euros, dollars, pounds, or your local currency.

    In certain countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Spain, payment in installments is permitted.

  • How long does the validation of my account take having registered?

    As we receive a large number of registrations each day, the maximum wait time is two working days. The internal revision and activation process takes in chronological order, according to date of registration.

  • Where can I find my password to log in to the agencies panel?

    If you can’t remember your password or user name, you can simply click on recover password.

    Remember that as soon as your account is activated, you’ll receive an email fro the platform with a link to set up your password. This link is valid for 24 hours. If this link expires, you can head to the agencies panel and request a new one in the “recover password” section.

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