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Preliminary information

CIVITATIS, owner of the Web Site www.civitatis.com (hereinafter, the "Website"), and the official CIVITATIS mobile app that can be downloaded from the App Store of Google Play Store (hereinafter, the "App"), is a company dedicated to managing the reservation and sale of activities, excursions, guided tours and other tourist activities in different parts of the world for those users who are interested in contracting these services. Also, CIVITATIS offers a transfer booking service that allows its users to move from one point to another within the destination city in which the user is located.

CIVITATIS makes the Accommodations platform (https://www.civitatis.com/en/accomodation/ available to the accommodations, through which a physical or legal person (hereinafter, the "Accommodation") may book tourist activities, excursions, guided tours and transfers on behalf of its customers enjoying a commission on the final sale price. Likewise, CIVITATIS makes available to the Accommodations the resources of affiliation (following the ("General Affiliate Conditions")) through text links, banners or widgets (hereinafter, the "Tools") provided by CIVITATIS so that they can be implemented on their web pages or used in their online communications for the reservation of the CIVITATIS Services directly by their Clients.

CIVITATIS information is as follows:

N.I.F. Number: B-86899440
Address: Calle Coloreros 2, 28013, Madrid
Contact email: partnerships@civitatis.comhttps://www.civitatis.com/en/accomodation/


By joining the CIVITATIS accommodation programme, the Accommodation shall provide the data and information relating to the Accommodation that is required by CIVITATIS in order to formalise the contractual relationship. By virtue of the above, the Affiliate is informed about how their personal data is treated, how their privacy is protected and the information they provide to CIVITATIS, in the form of questions and answers, is protected.


CIVITATIS has developed this Website to offer the Accommodation a booking service for activities, excursions and guided tours in different countries of the world.

Likewise, CIVITATIS offers through the Website a pick-up and drop-off service that allows the Accommodation to have a private vehicle to pick-up and drop-off its clients from one point to another within the destination cities where CIVITATIS offers this service.

CIVITATIS informs you that the activities, excursions and guided tours, as well as the transfers are services provided directly by third party companies collaborating with CIVITATIS (hereinafter, the Provider(s)). Therefore, CIVITATIS IS LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO OFFERING THROUGH THE WEBSITE A SERVICE OF ACTIVITIES, EXCURSIONS, GUIDED TOURS AND TRANSFERS, IN DIFFERENT PLACES OF THE WORLD, WHICH ARE EXECUTED DIRECTLY BY THE PROVIDERS.

CIVITATIS will provide the Accommodation with free online Travel Guides of the different destinations (such as https://www.londres.es/, https://www.disfrutapraga.com/, etc.), including in these guides information about CIVITATIS Services, transportation, tourist points of interest, interactive maps, recommendations and tips related to the destination. The access and consultation of the aforementioned free travel guides can only be done online and their transformation, commercialization and/or sale, as well as distribution outside the channels of the present General Conditions, is forbidden, and the Agency shall be responsible for the improper and unauthorized use of the Travel Guides.

The contracting of the services offered by CIVITATIS through the Accommodation Platform shall be carried out between the Accommodation and CIVITATIS, although in relation to certain Providers and services, CIVITATIS shall limit itself to providing its Website as an online platform through which the Providers offer their Services so that they can be contracted directly by the Agency. The voucher of the activity shall indicate the mode of contracting.

In the latter case, the Accommodation, at the time of formalizing the reservation, will also establish a contractual relationship with the Provider with whom the activity or transfer has been booked. CIVITATIS will act as a mere intermediary between the Accommodation and the Provider, limiting itself to transmitting the relevant booking data to the Providerand sending the Accommodation a booking confirmation e-mail on behalf of the Provider.

The contracting of the Services through affiliate resources shall be carried out directly by the Customers through the CIVITATIS Website by redirecting the Customer using the custom text link, banner or widget for online sales implemented or provided to the Accommodation.

In all these cases the self-billing conditions set out in section 6 of these General Conditions apply.

The information displayed by CIVITATIS through its Website and/or Accommodation Platform for the provision of the services is based, in any case, on the information provided by the Providers.


Both CIVITATIS and the Agency shall comply with all the requirements contained in Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on Consumer Rights, the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, in terms of Package Travel and linked travel services in their conditions of Organizer, Retailers and/or entrepreneurs.

For clarification, they must comply with all national and European Union regulations applicable to Package Travel, Travel Services and Consumer and User Rights.


Reservations made by the Accommodation through the Platform and/or its referred customers through the affiliation resources through the Website are subject to the specific conditions that apply to each activity, excursion or guided tour.

The Accommodation and/or its referred customers will find these conditions on the description page of the Website for each of these services, as well as in the confirmation email sent to them by CIVITATIS once the reservation has been made.


4.1 General conditions applicable to all reservations.

In general, the booking of activities, excursions and guided tours promoted by CIVITATIS through the Website is subject to the following conditions:

  • The dates and times of the activities, excursions and guided tours published on the Website have been pre-established by the Providers and do not allow any type of modification in this regard. The only possibility of modifying the date and schedule of an activity, excursion and guided tour is if the Accommodation has contracted a private service, in which case you will have to discuss this matter directly with CIVITATIS through the contact web form available in the Control Panel of the Accommodation, in the "Contact" section.
  • The Accommodation may generate bookings through the Accommodation Platform and generate commissions from the bookings made from the affiliation resources provided such as text links for online sales, banners or widgets by its referred customers.
  • Through the Accommodations Platform, the Accommodation may perform the entire process of booking Services on behalf of its Customers by (i) Net Payment of services or (ii) Payment of the Retail Price of the services. The Accommodation is responsible for the selected payment and for the management of the payment through the platform either with a payment method of its own or of its client, such as credit card or debit card.
  • The Accommodation may generate the reservations by (i) Net Payment of the services or (ii) Payment of the Retail Price of the services. The conditions of commission and invoicing according to the type of payment chosen will be determined in section 5 of Economic Conditions.
  • Through its "Links and resources" section, the Accommodation may link from its Website or share its Affiliate Link through the use of banners and/or widgets to the CIVITATIS Website so that the Client may directly and autonomously make the reservation of the CIVITATIS Services.
  • The Accommodation may manage its reservation data through the Accommodation Control Panel in the "Reservations" section for those reservations that the Accommodation makes directly through the Platform, provided that the conditions of the activity, excursion and/or guided tour allow it. The management of reservations does not apply to reservations made by Customers through affiliate resources such as personalized links, banners or widgets provided to the Accommodation.
  • The minimum advance time for each reservation varies depending on the activity, excursion and/or guided tour being booked. This specific detail can be seen on the activity's page on the Website. It will not be possible to book an activity with less advance notice than that which is indicated on the corresponding activity page.


4.2 Specific conditions related to information about the activity, excursion and/or guided tour booked.

  • The meeting point, date, time, duration and all of the information necessary for the enjoyment of the activity, excursion and/or guided tour booked, is detailed in the description of each service, on the Website, as well as in the confirmation email sent by CIVITATIS to the Accommodation once the booking has been made. The accommodation may include the Client's contact information in the reservation in order to receive the detailed information and the confirmation email from CIVITATIS.
  • In the confirmation email, in addition to providing all the information about the booked service, CIVITATIS will provide the Accommodation with the voucher so that its clients may participate in the activity, or CIVITATIS will inform the Accommodation of the receipt of an email from the Provider with the voucher of the activity, excursion and/or guided tour booked so that the Accommodation and its clients may present it to the Provider prior to the beginning of the activity or once the activity is finished, according to the conditions established by the Provider .
  • When the reservations and sales of Services are made through the affiliation resources provided by CIVITATIS, such as text links or any other resource of the CIVITATIS Platform, the Client will be directly informed of the above aspects through the confirmation email that CIVITATIS sends to the Client once the reservation is formalized. Likewise, CIVITATIS will directly provide the Client with the voucher or reservation confirmation, for informative purposes without the power to manage the information and/or reservation.
  • It is essential for the Agencies and their clients to be punctual and present themselves at the meeting point at the time and date indicated on their voucher, since all activities, excursions and guided tours are scheduled to depart at a specific time and it is not possible to change the start time.
  • The duration of the activities, excursions and guided tours published on the Website are for reference only and may be subject to slight variations depending on the development of the service itself, or due to any factor external to the Provider and/or CIVITATIS such as, for example, inclement weather, road traffic problems, strikes, etc.
  • If, once at the destination, the Agencies and their clients have any questions regarding the service booked, and in particular, the meeting point of the activity, excursion or visit, the Agencies may contact the Provider at the contact telephone number that appears on the voucher given to them by CIVITATIS at the time of confirmation of the booking.
  • CIVITATIS informs the Agencies that the Provider may require the Clients to turn in the voucher that proves the reservation of the activity prior to the beginning of the activity. CIVITATIS shall not assume any responsibility if the Agencies and their Clients do not present the voucher to the Provider.
  • No alteration or modification of the invoices or vouchers issued by CIVITATIS may be made by the Agency.

Each of the transfers offered by CIVITATIS on the Website is subject to specific conditions, which the Agencies and Clients may consult in said transfer description (located on the Website), or in the confirmation email sent to them by CIVITATIS once the reservation has been completed.

Notwithstanding the above, Agencies must take into account the following:

  • There are no supplements for luggage: The prices on the CIVITATIS Website are final and do not include any supplement for luggage (as long as it fits in the reserved vehicle). The price indicated on the Web Site is per hired vehicle and includes tolls and driver's gratuities. Were the luggage to exceed the capacity of the reserved vehicle, an economic supplement will be charged.
  • Private service: The transfer service offered by CIVITATIS is private, so the vehicle can only be used by clients of the Agency who have hired this service. In certain destinations, CIVITATIS may offer the option of shared transfers with other Clients at more competitive rates.
  • Vehicle seating: The number of seats indicated on the Website refers to the maximum number of people that can travel in the vehicle in addition to the driver. The Agencies will consider children to occupy one seat, as if they were adults.
  • Pick-up time: For transfers originating at the airport, the Agency must specify the flight number and the scheduled arrival time. For transfers originating at a specific point at the destination, the Agency must only indicate the time at which it wishes for the pick-up to take place. It will be the Client's responsibility to provide this information if the Services were contracted by the Client directly through the Affiliate Link or other resources from the Agency Platform.
  • Change of the transfer reservation: the Agency may change the transfer as long as the conditions of the service allow it and are met. In any case, the Agencies will be able to make the corresponding changes through the Agency Platform.
  • Contact with the driver: In the email confirmation of the reservation made by the Agency or the Client, CIVITATIS will detail the name, contact form, and emergency number of the Provider (or in its case, the driver) in case the Agencies and their clients do not find the driver or have any problem.
  • Stops along the agreed route: If the Agencies establish that a stop will be made along the route (for example, if the passengers of the vehicle are staying in different hotels or have to pick up keys to enter their apartment), these stops will be charged as an additional supplement, depending on the city in which said stops are located.
  • Destination location: In the event of the destination being outside the central area of the city, the transfer will be subject to a surcharge.
  • Changes to the agreed route: In case the Agency or its clients decide to modify the agreed route, there may be additional supplements charged. These economic supplements will be borne by the Agency and its clients.
  • The Agency Commission discount of 10% will not be applicable in the event of any supplements.

If the private transfer services entail the payment of a supplement, it must be accepted or rejected by the Client or the Agency. If no reply is received, the reservation will be automatically canceled and the amount will be immediately refunded to the Agency. CIVITATIS will issue the appropriate amending documentation, in any case.


Each of the services included by CIVITATIS on the Website (activities, excursions, guided tours and transfers) has a specific cancellation policy that the Agency and/or the Client may consult in the description of the activity (on the Website), as well as in the confirmation email sent by CIVITATIS once the reservation has been made.

Therefore, each service will have its specific cancellation conditions, which establish the cancellation period and whether there is any type of penalty or not.

Ultimately, CIVITATIS will manage cancellations in accordance with the cancellation policy of each activity, excursion, guided tour and/or transfer.

In the event that the Provider does not have availability on the contracted date, an alternative date or time will be offered to the Agency, which must be accepted or rejected by the Agency within 72 hours from the notification of the modification in the reservation. If no reply is received within the established period or if the modification is rejected, the reservation will be canceled and the amount of the reservation will be immediately refunded to the Agency. In any case, CIVITATIS will issue the appropriate supporting documentation.

In the case of refundable cancellations, the Agencies may request the refund of the amount to the original method of payment or to its Operative Deposit (wallet), being the full responsibility of the Agency the management of the refunds and reimbursements to the Client.

The Agency releases CIVITATIS from any liability in all matters concerning the processing and management of refunds to the final Client for the cancelation of refundable services.



The Agency undertakes the responsibility to make a lawful, diligent, honest and correct use of any information or contents accessed through the Web Site, and all this under the principles of good faith and respecting at all times the current legislation and the present General Conditions with Agencies. In particular, but without limitation, the Agency shall not:

i. Register or communicate data that is not true, accurate, complete and/or updated, or access the Website using the name, identification data or password of another User or Agency, or impersonate any person or identity.

ii. Use the Website for fraudulent purposes, or in connection with criminal offenses or unlawful activities of any kind.

iii. Introduce or disseminate computer viruses that may cause unauthorized alterations to the contents or systems comprising the Website.

iv. Create a Profile or use the Web Site to use or reuse material that is unlawful, offensive, pornographic, abusive, abusive, indecent, defamatory, obscene or threatening in any way, or in violation of copyright, trademark or confidentiality, privacy or any other rights, or is otherwise injurious or objectionable to third parties.

v. Download, post or otherwise distribute content or applications that may violate any applicable law or infringe any rights of any party.

vi. Correctly use the Tools provided such as the Affiliate Link, banners, widgets for online sales or any other technical/computer resource in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions of the CIVITATIS Affiliate Program.

vii. The Agencies shall be responsible at all times for the Processing of Personal Data of their Clients with special attention to their contact details, financial data and payment methods used by the Clients to book Services through the Agency's Platform.

CIVITATIS reserves the right to deny any attempt to access the Website or cancel Agency accounts, in cases of improper use of the Website in accordance with the provisions of this stipulation.


If the Accommodation has booked activities, excursions, guided tours and/or transfers through CIVITATIS, they may publish their opinions and evaluations on the Website. Likewise, the Clients of the Accommodation that book CIVITATIS Services through the Sharpening Link provided to the Accommodation may also publish their opinions and evaluations on the Website.

To this end, CIVITATIS will send an email to the email address provided by the Accommodation and/or its client, when the activity or transfer has been completed, in order to allow them to rate the experience and the service provided by CIVITATIS.

When CIVITATIS receives the opinion and assessment through the e-mail provided by the Accommodation, it will be reviewed and published as soon as possible on the Website. Likewise, the user also authorizes CIVITATIS to publish, if deemed appropriate, the opinions and ratings of the user on social media platforms of CIVITATIS (ex: Instagram, Facebook/Meta, Twitter/X, TikTok, LinkedIn).

In any case, CIVITATIS will publish the reviews of the Accommodations provided that the content of the reviews is not unlawful, obscene, abusive, threatening, defamatory, invades the privacy of third parties, or is otherwise objectionable to third parties, and provided that the content does not incorporate advertisements or links to other websites and/or that the review does not correspond to the rated service.

In particular, CIVITATIS reserves the right to not publish those reviews whose content may include the following aspects:

i. Discriminatory comments: comments that go against an individual and that violate the principles of the right to honor, to personal and family privacy, to one's own image and to the dignity of the person will not be allowed under any circumstances. Any type of discriminatory publication, whether for reasons of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal or social circumstance, is prohibited.

ii. Illegal activities: It is not allowed for the content of said reviews to promote illegal activities or include obscene or defamatory comments.

iii. Violence: It is expressly forbidden for opinions to contain statements that promote violence and/or include sexual violence or violence against animals and people.

iv. Degrading content: Opinions or comments that are intimidating, threatening, degrading or in any way promote violence against a person or a specific group are not allowed.

v. False content: Reviews: Reviews that may contain "like" indications on social networks are expressly forbidden.

vi. Promotional content: It is expressly forbidden to entrust reviews to third parties to promote your own products.

vii. Manipulated or extrapolated content: It is expressly forbidden to publish reviews that have been manipulated or that there are indications that they may have been manipulated so that only positive reviews are published. Likewise, it is not permitted that these reviews and social approvals can be extrapolated or linked to different but related content, in order to avoid forcing a positive opinion of the User.

Communications between the parties shall be made in writing via e-mail with acknowledgment of receipt or by any other means that records the notice of receipt and content of said communications.

i. Communications to CIVITATIS shall be sent to: partnershipscivitatis.com.

ii. Communications to the Accommodation: the e-mail address of registration shall be used.


CIVITATIS shall not be liable for the following circumstances (including but not limited to):

i. Cancellations made out of time by the Accommodation and/or its clients. CIVITATIS will not be responsible under any circumstances for refunding the amounts paid by the Accommodation and/or its clients when they have not complied with the cancelation period covered in the cancelation policy applicable to each service.

ii. For delays or errors committed by the Accommodation and/or its clients to reach the meeting point of the activity, excursion, guided tour and/or transfer booked. In other words, CIVITATIS shall not take any responsibility if the Accommodation and/or its clients miss the activity or transfer booked due to lack of timeliness and/or not being at the agreed meeting point.

iii. For cases in which the Provider denies the Accommodation's clients access to the activity, excursion and/or guided tour when the client does not carry the pertinent voucher printed on paper and/or downloaded to his/her cell phone (as required in each case by the Provider).

iv. For damages and theft affecting clients of the Accommodation and property owned by them during the activities, excursions and guided tours and/or during the journey of the transfer service hired.

v. For the injuries, damages and accidents that may fall upon the clients of the Accommodation during the activity, excursion, guided tour and/or transfer booked, as well as for those injuries, damages and accidents suffered by the clients of the Accommodation prior to the service and that have prevented them from enjoying the service.

vi. Cases in which the vehicle hired for the transfer fails to go to the pick-up point when the information provided by the Accommodation and/or its clients about the pick-up point and pick-times is incorrect or misleading.

vii. For the cases of missing flights, trains, buses or any other means of transport, as a consequence of not having requested the transfer service with the advance notice recommended by CIVITATIS. The Accommodation and/or its clients acknowledge that they are solely responsible for knowing the departure time of the flight/train/bus and requesting the pick-up service with sufficient time.

viii. For the weather conditions in which the Provider decides to carry out the activities, excursions and guided tours booked by the Accommodation and/or its clients. Under no circumstances shall CIVITATIS be responsible for these circumstances, and therefore the service shall be deemed to have been correctly provided.

ix. For the quality and adequacy of the service contracted by the Accommodation and/or its clients.

x. Cases in which the activities, excursions or guided tours have been completed with respect to all the attractions included in them, even if the duration has suffered a slight variation due to any external factor to the Provider and/or CIVITATIS. In this situation, the service will be considered to have been correctly carried out.

xi. Complaints and claims regarding the service hired by the Accommodation and/or its clients, which shall be managed with the Service Provider, notwithstanding the fact that CIVITATIS may collaborate with the Accommodation and/or its clients to address their complaints.

xii. Fraudulent use by the Accommodation or third parties of the Clients' payment methods when making reservations in their name.

In addition, and in the cases in which the Accommodation contracts the services directly with the Supplier, CIVITATIS shall not be liable:

xiii. For the fulfillment of any tax obligation of declaration, payment or any other type arising from or as a consequence of the service provided by the Provider. CIVITATIS is exempt from any type of tax liability in relation to the services rendered by the Provider.

Furthermore, CIVITATIS does not provide any guarantee nor is it responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may arise from the access or use of the content or the Website. Among others, including but not limited to, CIVITATIS shall not be liable for the following circumstances:

xiv. Lack of availability, maintenance and effective functioning of the Website and/or its services or contents, as well as for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the Website functionality.

xv. Technical failures caused by third parties or force majeure that prevent the proper functioning of the Website.

xvi. Circumstances of force majeure, understood as the failure, suspension or interruption of the services or use of the Website, as a consequence of the Internet networkbeing blocked, actions or omissions of third parties, or any other cases or causes independent to the will of CIVITATIS that prevent the normal use of the Website.

xvii. The illicit, negligent, fraudulent use, contrary to the terms of these General Conditions with Accommodations, or the Website's good faith, by the Accommodation.

CIVITATIS reserves the right to lawfully take legal action against the Acommodation, as a consequence of the commission of the acts described in this section, and in general, for the breach of these General Terms and Conditions with Accommodations.

CIVITATIS and the Accommodation will be jointly and severally liable to the users for the correct fulfillment of the contracted travel services, regardless of whether these services are to be performed by themselves or by other providers, in those cases established by Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on Consumers' Rights and/or Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.


The General Conditions with Accommodation will have a duration of one (1) year, which may be tacitly extended for equal periods, provided that neither party gives written notice of termination 60 calendar days prior to the end of the commercial relationship.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, CIVITATIS shall have the right to terminate the contract at any time and without prior notice to the Accommodation, in the event that the latter fails to comply with any of the obligations set forth herein.

Once the commercial relationship has been terminated by either of the parties, the Accommodation will be responsible for each and every one of the operations carried out up to the date of termination. Likewise, it shall immediately return any confidential information to which it may have had access by virtue of these General Terms and Conditions and shall refrain indefinitely from publishing or disclosing the same.

The business relationship and the application of these Terms and Conditions may be terminated at any time in the following cases: (i) by mutual agreement; (ii) at the request of CIVITATIS if more than six (6) months elapse without the Accommodation generating a new sale; (iii) in the event of bad faith in the management and/or payment of the bookings made or incorrect information about the Civitatis product to the Accommodation's clients and (iv) in the event of manipulation of the bookings through the Accommodation Platform or affiliation resources.


On joining the CIVITATIS accommodation programme, the Accommodation shall provide the data and information relating to the Accommodation that are required by CIVITATIS in order to formalise the contractual relationship. In accordance with the above, the Affiliate is informed about how their personal data is treated, how their privacy is protected and the information they provide to CIVITATIS, in the form of questions and answers, is protected.

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

  • Entity: Civitatis Tours, S.L.
  • NIF: B-86899440
  • Postal address: C/ Coloreros, 28013 - Madrid.
  • E-mail address: dpo@civitatis.com

Who is the entity's Data Protection Delegate (DPD) and how can they help you?

The DPD is a figure, legally foreseen, whose main functions are to inform and advise our entity on the obligations that affect it in terms of personal data protection and to supervise its compliance.

In addition, the DPD acts as a point of contact for any matter relating to the processing of personal data, so if you have any questions, doubts or suggestions regarding how we use your personal data, you can contact them at: dpo@civitatis.com.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?

a. To manage your application to join the CIVITATIS Accommodation programme, as well as the contractual relationship maintained between the parties in the event of acceptance of your application, invoicing and payment of services. To this end, it is necessary for the Accomodation to provide us with their personal information, otherwise their application and the contractual relationship cannot be executed.

b. To send commercial communications about our products or services. In relation to the sending of the aforementioned communications, based on the information provided, we may draw up commercial profiles, in order to offer the products and services that best suit the interests of the Accomodation. The processing of your data for this commercial purpose is not obligatory, therefore, if you object to such processing, you'll not receive any advertising.

c. Compliance with accounting, legal, fiscal and administrative obligations. This processing is necessary for CIVITATIS to comply with the legal obligations that may derive from the contractual relationship that has been established, including the fulfilment of data protection rights; otherwise, these obligations cannot be fulfilled and, therefore, the provision of the data for this purpose is obligatory.

The data will be treated confidentially, guaranteeing its security by adopting the appropriate security measures required by current legislation.

For how long will we process your data?

We only keep your data for the period of time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected, to comply with the legal obligations and to cover any possible liabilities that may arise in relation to the purpose for which the data was collected.

In the event that CIVITATIS does not accept the Accomodation's application for registration, the data will be kept for a maximum period of one year, for the purpose of being able to detect during this period if a previously rejected Affiliate tries to apply for registration again.

In the event that the Accomodation is accepted by CIVITATIS and begins to work with the entity, his/her data will be kept for as long as the contract is in force (Accomodation Programme General Conditions). Once this relationship has ended, if applicable, the data may be kept for the time required by the applicable legislation and until any liabilities arising from the contractual relationship expire.

The data processed for sending commercial communications about our products or services will be kept indefinitely, until, where appropriate, the Accomodation requests to stop receiving such communications.

Data for the fulfilment of accounting, legal, fiscal and administrative obligations will be retained until the statute of limitations expires in accordance with current legislation.

What is the legal basis for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for the processing of your data in connection with your application for Accomodation programme is the adoption of pre-contractual measures aimed at assessing your application. In the event that CIVITATIS accepts the application, the Accomodation's data will be processed on the basis of the execution of the contractual relationship, arising as a consequence of these General Terms and Conditions, as well as the fulfilment of a legal obligation, with respect to the fulfilment of accounting, legal, fiscal and administrative obligations arising from the contractual relationship.

The prospective offer of products and services to Accomodations is based on the satisfaction of the legitimate business interest in keeping them informed of the products and services offered by CIVITATIS. This legitimate interest is recognised by the applicable legal regulations (General Data Protection Regulation), which expressly permits the processing of personal data on this legal basis for direct marketing purposes. However, the Accommodation has the right to object to this processing of his or her data and may do so by any of the means provided for in this clause.

The types of data processed from Accomodations are those reflected in the on-line registration application form.

To which entities will your data be communicated?

The data will be communicated to the following entities:

a. The competent Public Administrations, including judges and courts, in the instances foreseen in the Law and for the purposes defined therein.

b. Financial institutions through which the management of collections and payments is carried out.

Although not a transfer of data, third party companies, acting as our suppliers, may access your information in order to carry out their services. These third parties access your data under our direction and they may not use it for any other purpose, maintaining the strictest confidentiality and on the basis of a contract in which they undertake to comply with the requirements of the current legislation on personal data protection.

Do international data transfers take place?

International data transfers may occur in the following cases:

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we are processing their personal data. Relevant persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Under the conditions provided for in the General Data Protection Regulation, data subjects may request the limitation of the processing of their data or their portability, in which case we will only retain them for the purpose of exercising or defending claims.

In certain circumstances and on grounds relating to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data. If you have given consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. In such cases, we will stop processing the data or, as the case may be, we will stop processing it for that specific purpose, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.

Furthermore, data protection law allows you to object to being subject to decisions based solely on automated processing of your data, where appropriate.

These rights are characterised by the following:

  • They may be exercised free of charge, except in the case of manifestly unfounded or excessive requests (e.g. repetitive nature), in which case you may be charged a fee proportional to the administrative costs incurred or refuse to act.
  • You may exercise your rights directly or through your legal representative or volunteer.
  • Your request must be responded to within one month, although, taking into account the complexity and number of requests, the deadline may be extended by a further two months.
  • We are obliged to inform you about the means of exercising these rights, which must be accessible and without being able to refuse you the exercise of the right on the sole ground that you choose another means. If the request is made by electronic means, the information will be provided by electronic means where possible, unless you ask us to do otherwise.
  • If, for whatever reason, the request is not complied with, we will inform you of the reasons for this and of the possibility to complain to a supervisory authority within one month at the latest.

In order to facilitate the exercise of the aforementioned rights, we provide below links to the application form for each of them:

All the aforementioned rights may be exercised through the means of contact listed at the beginning of this clause.

In the event of any breach of your rights, in particular where you have not obtained satisfaction in exercising your rights, you may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (contact details available at www.aepd.es), or other competent supervisory authority. You can also obtain further information about your rights by contacting these bodies.

How do we protect your personal data?

We are committed to protecting the personal data we process. We use reasonably reliable and effective physical, organisational and technological measures, controls and procedures aimed at preserving the integrity and security of your data and ensuring your privacy.

In addition, all staff with access to personal data have been trained and are aware of their obligations in relation to the processing of your personal data.

In relation to the contracts we sign with our providers, we include clauses requiring them to maintain the duty of confidentiality with respect to the personal data to which they have had access by virtue of the contract, as well as to implement the necessary technical and organisational security measures to guarantee the permanent confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the systems and services for the processing of personal data.

All these security measures are reviewed periodically to ensure their adequacy and effectiveness.

However, absolute security cannot be guaranteed and no security system is impenetrable so, in the event that any information under our control and under our control is compromised as a result of a security breach, we will take appropriate steps to investigate the incident, notify the Supervisory Authority and, where appropriate, those users who may have been affected to take appropriate action.

What is your responsibility as the owner of the data?

The Accomodation is responsible for the accuracy of the data and must keep them suitably updated so that they reflect their actual situation, and is liable for any false or inaccurate data that may be provided, as well as for any damages, direct or indirect, that may arise.

If the Accomodation provides data of third parties, he/she assumes the responsibility of previously informing them of all the provisions of article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation under the conditions established in said precept.

What obligations does the Accomodation have regarding the use of cookies?

The Accomodation undertakes to comply with the applicable regulations in relation to the use of cookies in the content published on its website(s). In this regard, the Accomodation shall be obliged to inform and obtain the consent of users with respect to analytical and/or advertising cookies found on its website(s), as well as any other cookies used on its website(s) that are not exempt from compliance with these obligations. The Accomodation shall exempt CIVITATIS from any sanction or claim arising from a breach of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), the General Data Protection Regulation or other complementary regulations. Informed consent must be obtained in all cases following the guidelines established in the Guide on the use of cookies of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


13.1 Intellectual and Industrial Property relating to the Website owned by CIVITATIS.

All rights over the content, design and source code of this Website, the Agency Platform and, in particular, including but not limited to, all rights over the photographs, images, texts, logos, designs, trademarks, trade names, data included on the Website and any other intellectual and industrial property rights are owned by CIVITATIS, or by third parties who have expressly authorised CIVITATIS to use them on the Website.

Therefore, and by virtue of the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, regularising, clarifying and harmonising the legal provisions in force on the subject (hereinafter, "Intellectual Property Law"), as well as in Law 17/2001, of 7 December, on Trademarks and complementary legislation on intellectual and industrial property, it is expressly forbidden to reproduce, transmit, adapt, translate, distribute, publicly communicate, including making available, all or part of the contents of the Website, in any medium and by any technical means, unless expressly authorised in writing by CIVITATIS.

CIVITATIS does not grant any licence or authorisation of use of any kind over its intellectual and industrial property rights or over any other property or right related to the Website, and in no case shall it be understood that access and browsing by the Agencies implies a waiver, transmission, licence or total or partial transfer of said rights by CIVITATIS.

Any use of these contents not previously authorised by the Agency shall be considered a serious breach of intellectual or industrial property rights and shall give rise to the legally established responsibilities on the part of the Agency.

13.2 Intellectual Property relating to the opinions of the Agencies published on the Website.

CIVITATIS owns or is licensed to use all Intellectual Property Rights and other rights related to the CIVITATIS Affiliate Platform. Under the terms of this Agreement, the Agency does not acquire any rights or licences other than the right to install and/or integrate the tools, links, banners, widgets or any other resources provided by CIVITATIS on the linked websites.

13.3 Intellectual Property relating to the opinions of the Agencies published on the Website.

As the Website allows the publication of opinions, the Agencies grant CIVITATIS a universal, unrestricted and free licence for the use, distribution, public communication, adaptation and reproduction of such opinions. By means of the aforementioned licence, CIVITATIS may transform, adapt and, in short, use the opinions of the Agencies for advertising and promotional purposes on the websites and social networks owned by CIVITATIS.


For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "Confidential Information" means all information of whatever nature (whether oral, written or otherwise) relating to or provided by each of the Parties in connection with the provision of the Services under these Terms and Conditions, which may only be used by the Parties for such purpose, including its technologies, technologies developed or marketed by it, manuals, software (source code and object code), databases (whether original and/or sui generis), business plans, marketing plans, know-how, technological and IT resources and tools such as, but not limited to, Affiliate Links, banners and widgets, customer or supplier lists, financial information, pricing policies, advertising campaigns, trademarks, any piece of information marked as "confidential", trade secrets, or, in general, any other document, data or information that can reasonably be qualified as confidential. Neither Party shall disclose to any third party either directly or through any third party without the prior written consent of the other, any information it receives from the other Party in connection with these General Terms and Conditions with Agencies.

This limitation shall apply indefinitely and shall remain in force after the termination, for any reason, of the commercial relationship between the Agency and CIVITATIS, from the communication of the information, regardless of the duration of these General Terms and Conditions. Both Parties agree that any confidential information received from the other party must be used for the sole purpose of providing or receiving services under these General Conditions. The above restrictions shall not apply to any information:

i. which is or becomes generally available to the public for any reason other than breach of an obligation under this provision; or

ii. which is obtained from a third party who is not bound by a duty of confidentiality in relation to the information; or

iii. which was previously known to him; or

iv. the disclosure of which by the recipient is required by law.

Furthermore, disclosure of confidential information pursuant to a judicial or administrative order shall not be subject to the obligation of confidentiality provided that the party receiving the order informs the other party in writing in advance of the obligation to disclose such information.

After the expiration of the term of this Agreement, the Parties shall return the confidential information received or certify that it has been destroyed.

The obligation of confidentiality provided for in this Clause shall remain in force for both Parties on a continuing basis.

The Agency may not assign its position in the General Terms and Conditions with Agencies without having obtained the prior written consent of CIVITATIS.

CIVITATIS reserves the right to assign its position as well as any rights or obligations arising therefrom in its favour or at its expense. CIVITATIS shall notify the Agency of the assignment at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance.


The Accommodation acknowledges that, given the nature of the commercial relationship and the Services offered by CIVITATIS, it is possible that these General Conditions may be subject to modification.

CIVITATIS reserves the right to make as many modifications as it deems appropriate to these General Conditions with Accommodations, in which case it will notify the Accommodation indicating the modifications and how they affect these General Conditions.

Modifications to these General Terms and Conditions shall be considered valid from the moment they are published on the Website.

The modifications will be applied immediately, if this is imperative due to the nature of the commercial relationship between the Accommodation and CIVITATIS and/or the nature of the Services affected.


All clauses or terms of these General Conditions with Accommodation must be interpreted independently and autonomously, and the rest of the stipulations will not be affected if one of them has been declared null and void by a court ruling or final arbitration decision. The affected clause or clauses shall be replaced by another or others that preserve the effects pursued by the General Conditions with Accommodation.


These General Conditions with Accommodation shall be governed by Spanish law. For the resolution of any discrepancy, question or claim derived directly or indirectly from the interpretation or execution of these General Conditions, CIVITATIS and the Accommodation expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.


Updated as of November 2023